The New Liberal Manifesto
The New Liberal Manifesto is an informal initiative by a group of Liberal Democrats led by Chris Bowers.
It restates the key features of liberalism and suggests how liberalism can best be put into effect in the modern world.
We hope that it will enable Liberal Democrats to express more clearly what we stand for, and apply those principles to a programme for government that will have to grapple with climate change, the increasing power of commerce in a data driven world, and the various threats posed to democracy everywhere, but particularly in this country.
Redefining liberalism for modern-day Britain
News and media involving the New Liberal Manifesto
Accessible version available
The New Liberal Manifesto will be available in both illustrated (designed) and accessible (text-only) formats. Nim Design of Harrow, which has vast experience of producing reports and publications for the political, NGO and charity sectors, has done a bright layout of the manifesto, but for people who use braille and other reading-assistance...
End of three-year process
As the New Liberal Manifesto nears completition, it marks the end of a three-year process. The first meeting to set it in motion took place in November 2018 when Chris Bowers, David Howarth and Paul Pettinger met to agree what the NLM was intended to achieve. The political and electoral ructions of 2019 set the project back, as indeed did the...