The New Liberal Manifesto
The New Liberal Manifesto is an informal initiative by a group of Liberal Democrats led by Chris Bowers.
It restates the key features of liberalism and suggests how liberalism can best be put into effect in the modern world.
We hope that it will enable Liberal Democrats to express more clearly what we stand for, and apply those principles to a programme for government that will have to grapple with climate change, the increasing power of commerce in a data driven world, and the various threats posed to democracy everywhere, but particularly in this country.
Redefining liberalism for modern-day Britain
News and media involving the New Liberal Manifesto
They said it …
Responding to a piece about the New Liberal Manifesto on Lib Dem Voice, here are two comments: "I hope the New Liberal Manifesto gets the attention it deserves. Thank you to those who have produced it. When I renewed my membership recently I asked myself why. This paper goes a long way towards giving a credible answer." - Anthony Acton "We are...
Manifesto featured in Independent column
The respected political commentator Andrew Grice refers to The New Liberal Manifesto in his 'Inside Westminster' column in today's Independent. Of Lab/LibDem cooperation, Grice writes: "There is no guarantee such cooperation will deliver a non-Tory government but there is no road to power at the next election without it."...
Launch date confirmed
The launch date for the New Liberal Manifesto has been confirmed as Friday 3 December. A press release will go out to various media, embargoed until 00.01 on Friday (UK time). We will try and keep up to date with the main media coverage on this Billboard.